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Mentors That Move Me: Tasha B.

Writer's picture: Jaslyn Harris Jaslyn Harris

I can't believe that we're finally here! This month has gone by so fast! As our Mentors That Move Me series comes to a close, I am so very happy that you have all tuned in to learn more about these incredible women. Through my life's journey, these women have made such an impact on who I am and what I love to do, and I truly couldn't have envisioned getting to this point any other way.

As previously mentioned, I knew that I wanted to seriously pursue dance by the time I went into high school. I fell in love with the stage, and from then on, my focus was on making it big and going on tour! While in college it pained me to have to give up going to the studios in Atlanta for homework in my dorm room instead. At the time, I could care less about taking Spanish 1001 and Intro to Math Modeling, because I just knew I didn't need that for the stage. Fortunately

enough, I started to explore my options for internships while going into my third year of college. As a junior, I got involved in soooo many things, I honestly can't believe I took on quite a year! I took summer classes, had a part time job, started my internship with Dance Canvas, and started my internship with Tasha B. Tasha B is an amazing professional dancer from North Carolina who moved to Atlanta to pursue her dreams. With hard work and dedication; she has worked with artists such as Beyoncé, Ro James, Brandy and more! I had the pleasure of working and training with her for a few years, and in that time, I have grown so much as a professional artist. Ending this series just wouldn't be right without first recognizing such a fierce woman. Without further ado, THE Ms. Heel Talk herself, Tasha B!

Give us a brief introduction. Who are you, what is your profession and where are you from?

Greetings, my name is Tasha B! I'm a professional dancer, and owner of Heel Talk LLC amongst other titles, from Raleigh, NC.

What are some things that you're passionate about? Hobbies? - What MOVES you?!

I'm passionate about dance, creating in various ways, and learning... and of course inspiring others! Top 4!

How did you meet Jaslyn Harris, and what was your first impression of her?

I met Jaslyn, I believe in a Heel Talk dance class, lol! I've always loved her energy, it was always like a light airy, fun, and caring energy.

How did your mentor/mentee relationship progress overtime?

Overtime our progression was great! We both kept each other going and focused. We learned a lot together and from one another, and I'm just happy to see how much she has accomplished on her own separate journey.

Jaslyn Harris and Tasha B, 2019

When your back is against the wall, and you feel like giving up, who or what, keeps you moving and pushing forward?

When my back is against the wall, God keeps me going. Me, myself, and I is something I always bet on. We have to make sure our first motivation is ourselves. Family and close friends that are always so supportive and can keep a smile on my face or help me to remember what truly matters. Also, always knowing that everything I do is always bigger than me, the world needs everything that I have to offer.

What is one quote that you would consider to be your Mantra?

Let your spirit guide you. It's not necessarily a quote, but definitely what I go by in everything. If it doesn't feel right to my spirit, then it isn't for me. If it feels good, I'm going to go for it until I get it.

Training with Tasha B, has pushed me to show up in many different ways as I interned for her under her Heel Talk LLC brand. I worked hard to grow as a performer, but I also had the opportunity to work behind the scenes in helping plan and coordinate events, shows, videos, and even a city wide march! Working with Tasha has made me realize that I am capable of so much, and this experience became one of my inspirations for going into business for myself. Thank you Tasha, for showing me what it looks like to go for what you want and walk out on faith no matter what. You are truly amazing in so many ways! Be sure to follow Tasha B. on social media and book her to ignite your fire!

Tasha B and Jaslyn Harris, Backing Bosses Pop Up Shop 2021, MyMovesMoveU LLC

Thank you all so much for following this month's series of "Mentors that Move Me"! I surely hope that you all were moved by a story from one of my wonderful mentors. There are so many people within my village that have made a great impact on my life, but these women have all played a huge part in who I am today as a professional artist. All of the lessons and advice that I've gained from their experience and wisdom has truly benefited me for the better and I will forever be grateful! For that, I will never stop moving :)

Thank you for reading! Let us know who your mentors are in the comments, and stay tuned for a big announcement next month! We have some great things coming, and we can't wait for you all to be apart of the journey.

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